Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I'm feelin' bad that there won't be any pictures on this post.. I'm.. ahem... at work and bored to death and got all my work done for the day so I thought I'd write.

So... for those of you who haven't heard, Carson and I are getting married December  30, 2011! Yay! It's really soon! We were going to do March, but. I'm recently impatient. Nothing can come fast enough right now! Maybe it's because there's a million things running through my mind every second.. I am working 2 jobs, photography business, (not considered a job, but if it was, then it would be job #3) school full time, and planning a wedding. Not to mention I'm doing a big free photo shoot like I did last year. (I know, I know, no complaining, I put this all on myself).

But really, I'm super excited about a lot of things right now. Planning a wedding is stressful, especially on a budget and in a short time frame and while you have everything else going on. Luckily my mom is a huge help and is super creative. It's gonna be super cute. T

he free shoot is going to be amazing! I can just feel it. I mainly do it to push myself. Shooting 20 families back to back over a 2 day period is hard! Especially when you're shooting in the same location and trying to keep everyone's shoot unique. Last year, I did this same thing with Scott Jarvie (check his stuff out here ---> ta dah!) and this year I'm going solo. SCARY! But it's going to be great.

Carson and I are also thinking of buying a house! That's a whole other stress in itself. BUT we did get approved and so now we're in the process of waiting for something great to come along. We've found a couple.. but people already have offers in so.. just waiting to see if we can snag them up. It's SO exciting though. Our own place. And I can paint the walls any color. And I can shower for 30 minutes long. Because it's my house. EEE! (that was a squeal). We've got a lot of stuff already, just needing a washer and dryer, possibly a fridge (depends on the house.. some have some already) and bathroom stuff. And bedding. And some decor. Can't wait to go register for our wedding!

Anywho.. that's an update for now. Happy Wenesday everyone. And Happy October. I love this time of year. (hmm.. need to find me a costume!)

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