Friday, September 30, 2011

Sometimes I wonder about myself...

So I discovered a site a couple days ago. It's Rachel Henderson Photography. She's pretty great. And inspiring for me to blog more. Just about anything in my day. And take more pictures. I thought I was pretty decent at that but. I'm not haha. As soon as Carson and I get married, I'm going to start blogging more (life is a bit stressful for me right now.. working 2 jobs, photography on the side, school full time, planning a wedding, making time for my fiance and family, etc. etc.). Until then, I'll TRY to blog more. After the wedding, I WILL blog more. ;)

Anywho, a couple things that were blog worthy happened today:

So... as some of you know, I'm a bargain hunter. It just really tickles my fancy. There are certain things that I will pay full price for, but it always helps when those certain things are on sale too haha. Anyways, my mom and I had been talking about how Target has kind of gotten stingy on their clearance lately.. as opposed to 5 years ago when the economy was good and they just let their things go for so cheap. But nowadays, they take FOREVER to clearance things out and it's not even that great of a sale. Then something great happened today. Here's how the texts went -->

Mom: "Ok i am dying call me."
Me: "Wha? Ok I can't until 12:45..unless it's real quick and I can run to the bathroom?"
Mom: "Ok but it's just exciting. I think, but you may not.."
Me: "?"
Mom: "what?"
Me: "I may not think it's exciting?"
Mom: "Just call when you get off work."

Goodness, had me all worried she was dying or something. She wasn't though. It was about Target and their fantastic clearance! We ran over after my chemistry class and I ended up getting some fantastic deals! I got some really nice dinnerware sets, 2 lamps for my future living room, 4 pillows for the couches in the living room, and a couple of wall decor stuff. This should have totaled out to be around $350 and I got it all for $100. Can you believe that?

Another blog worthy item of the day...

So... I was hesitant, but I found it very interesting so please just look past the tmi details and realize that I'm the type of person who just shares random things.

Anywho. I had to go to the bathroom while I was at Carson's tonight. ahem... number 2. There was no toilet paper in the guest bathroom so I went into Carson's bedroom (yes, he has his own bathroom attached.. I swear there's a million master bedrooms in that house). As I was.. ahem.. going to the bathroom, I noticed that his bathroom is freakishly clean for a guy. I mean. I was shocked. In my mind, boys bathrooms look like this -->

And his was pretty darn spotless. The tub/shower was clean, the counters, the sink! And even another detail. It smelled nice. A mix of his cologne (Kenneth Cole Reaction... it's heavenly) and deodorant perhaps? Not sure if he uses aftershave.

Needless to say, I felt awful about my number 2 excursion in his bathroom! Me! A girl! I just found this so silly!

No, Carson is not too bad of a neat freak. Except with his car. And apparently the bathroom. Which is nice. But weird. But nice I don't have to deal with a man who is gross. AND the toilet seat was down when I went in there.

I was impressed ok?

Anywho.. that's all for my embarrassing moment of the day.

It was a good day.

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