Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today was good. I wonder if my consecutive "good" days are because life likes me right now or because of my migraine medication which in turn is a type of antidepressant. Don't worry, I'm on a low dose, so I highly doubt that, but hey at this point, I wouldn't mind being medicated the rest of my life ;)

In all honesty, I'm kidding. I know there are those out there that need antidepressants for the main purpose of use and I'm in no way making fun of them. Just saying my moods seem to level out a bit better than what they were without it. Which is what they're made for right? Maybe I shouldn't be admitting this publicly.

*I am a happy person with or without medication*

There. See? Gosh, and you thought I was beginning to sound kinda mental.

Moving on. It was good! (gosh, I swear, my tangents are going to backfire on me one day) I went over to my mom's house early and went into the twin's room to find Millie awake. Once she saw me she gave me a huge excited face (she's really good at those). It was really cute because she was honestly so excited to see me and that totally made up for all the times she pulled my hair or tried to attack my necklace today. She's a sweetie.

I also tried Taco Bell's crunch wrap supreme today for the first time. This week only, Taco Bell has them for $1 (normally $2.69). So my mom grabbed us some and we had a few moments of pure happiness.

I went to Kent's baseball game today. He did really good! He got some awesome hits in today and was so proud of him. It was hotter than you know where though and I was happy to go back home and eat some yummy dinner with my family.

I then went and checked out a location for shooting tomorrow evening. Photographs. haha had to clarify that. Had to see what the lighting was like and such. It was a success. Then I went to Dairy Queen and got myself a DQ ice cream sandwich. Now.. if you haven't had them, they are seriously the best. Usually ice cream sandwiches are... soggy on the outside and stick to your fingers and it's not as satisfying as you hoped and therefore don't usually get them anymore. Well. This is in fact a harder cookie on the outside... so it's a nice enough crunch to it with their superb ice cream in the center that it's like a cookie sandwich (which I think was the intention of all ice cream sandwiches.. they just didn't know how to maintain that crunch). The main idea is that I'm in love with them.

Then I went to the Tonaquint Garden. I walked around and I must say it's gorgeous there. I was the only one there too and it was at sunset and the temperature was perfect. mmmm. warm fuzzies. I decided to lay on the grass and listened to "Blue Eyed Universe" by Fictionist on my phone. I didn't have headphones with me so just imagine some tunes and a girl and a garden at sunset. Super right? So relaxing.

I then felt spontaneous and took myself to a movie. This one was my third time going alone. I chose to see Source Code and it was thoroughly entertaining for $2.50. I would have rathered (did you know that's not a word? rathered? stupid huh?) the ending to be.. different... or maybe taken a different route to the story... I dk. Maybe I'm expecting too much from it. It was good. It kept my mind engaged and that's all I was asking for really. Plus... Jake Gyllenhaal... who doesn't want to see that on the big screen? Yummy.

Alright. That was it. I'm sure that was a lot of detail into my day and probably most of you who even read my blog probably glanced at this post and decided it was too "lengthy" to read, but I do appreciate those that want to read my writing. Anywho. Time for nigh'nights. Muah.