Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Harry Potter Experience

For those of you who know me past being an acquaintance or that girl who works at the tanning salon or your visiting teacher who never comes to visit, then you'll know that I love Harry Potter.

It's a shame to admit that I didn't get into the series until I was almost 10! (The first book came out when I was 7). I remember sitting on the couch and my mom handed me one of her magazines and said this was becoming really popular and I should see if I liked it. The first chapter of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was in it and I began to read, knowing that I would have no clue what was going on, since it was the 4th book in the series. Now, the first chapter of this book is called "The Riddle House." Here's a summary:

  • The Riddle family lived in Little Hangleton. Their house is still called 'The Riddle House'. The story goes that fifty years before, the maid came down to the village one day, screaming. She had found all three Riddles dead; their eyes wide open and cold as ice. In the pub, The Hanged Man, it is rumored that the Riddle's gardener Frank Bryce has been arrested.
  • The following morning, Frank is being questioned by the police of Great Hangleton. He insist he's innocent, and that the only peron he saw near the house on the day of the Riddles' deaths was a pale, dark-haired teenage boy. The report on the Riddles' death showed they had all appeared in perfect health, although they were dead. It seemed they had been frightened to death. The bodies are buried in Little Hangleton's churchyard.
  • Frank stays to live in the Riddle House. One day he wakes up from the pain in his bad leg and sees lights in the Riddle House. He goes over to check if some of the town boys have broken into the house. In the house, a man with a cold high-pitched voice talks to a man called Wormtail.
  • The cold voice asks where Nagini is. She has to be milked, he needs feeding since the journey tired him. They'll stay a week or longer, at least until the Quidditch World Cup is over. Wormtail suggests "it could be done without Harry Potter" but the cold voice says he will use no other and warns Wormtail to have courage or feel the wrath of Lord Voldemort. Wormtail, in panic, warns that Bertha Jorkins's disappearance will not go unnoticed for long, but is told Bertha Jorkins had to be killed. The cold voice says he hears Nagini and starts hissing and spitting. Frank hears movement behind him and sees a gigantic snake coming and entering the room. It seemed as if the cold voice could talk to snakes. Frank is discovered and told to enter the room. The cold voice tells Wormtail to turn his chair to face Frank. Wormtail does. Frank screams, there's a flash of green light, a rushing sound, and Frank Bryce collapses. He is dead before he hits the floor.
  • Two hundred miles away, Harry wakes up with a start from his nightmare

What the heck right?  I mean... some weird stuff! But I'm totally intrigued by it. I decide it's worth my time in reading and want to invest in the first book, not knowing that this would be a part of my life for 10 years to come.

It's funny.. that memory from so long ago. I remember it so clearly. I sometimes wish I could go back in time just to relive all of those moments of waiting for the book to release at midnight and standing in a long line for hours and then reading until the wee hours of the morning. Or when the movies would release and standing in line with anticipation for those too. Or buying those theory books about what would happen in the end, before the 7th book came out. Talking about it with other Harry Potter nerds and sharing views on things. Casting spells on people at recess. Re-reading the series until the next book came out. Registering on the Harry Potter sites, creating my own wand and playing the tasks. Playing the video game on my gameboy. This was a huge part of my life!

Today... was the release date of Harry Potter 7 part 2. The last movie.

See, when the 7th book came out, I read the whole thing in 4 days. I was... a bit sad at it ending but told myself that we still had 4 years to come for all the rest of the movies to be made so it wasn't truly over yet.

Today was odd. I went to work this morning (sadly didn't go see the midnight showing because I knew I wouldn't make it to work in the morning on time if I did). I bought tickets weeks ago however for the 7:15 pm showing. Usually I'd be super excited to go see it.. but today was lacking that anticipation. I wanted to see it really badly, but also not wanting to because then that's when it would end... It was bittersweet when I sat in line 2 hours early at the theater, initially by myself. Later, Carson and Kiersten showed up and we were able to finally go into the theater. We got prime location seating (as always.. that's a big thing for me.. hence my at least 2 hours early thing). And sat. And waited for the manager to stop telling us to turn off our cell phones. And for the child behind us to stop kicking the chairs. And for the previews to be over with. Then finally it started.

It didn't feel like 2 hours.. not at all. It was the quickest 2 hours of my life. I didn't want it to end!

And now.. I'm just depressed.

It was a fantastic movie. Of course. They did a really good job with it. I was impressed for sure.

But I feel like I have nothing to look forward to!

That's a lie. I have plenty going on in my life with photo shoots and friends getting married and my sisters first birthday and such...

But. No more Harry. No more waiting in lines. No more theory books. No more surprises. It's done.

There was a brief moment where I was going to cry in the theater even. I didn't. But there was some water damage threatening to escape my eyes.

I mean.. I guess Breaking Dawn is coming out this year.. that's something to look forward to I guess (being another series I like.. but not nearly even half as much as Harry). But the movies suck... I'm sorry. The books were pretty great but the movies are just terrible. Frankly, I just go see them so I can see Jacob take his shirt off ;) And even then, that will be over this year too.

Is life trying to tell me something? That 2011 is the year I finally grow up?


The conclusion to this post is that... I'm really sad and dwelling on the fact it's over and my life is kind of pointless now. For real.

Anywho... I'm going to go to sleep now. I hope I dream of Harry Potter.

PS. For those looking for random gift ideas for me (you know.. cuz that happens all the time) I would love to go to the Harry Potter Theme Park. Just sayin'

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